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сообщение May 10 2008, 19:41
Сообщение #1

Бывалый  ****

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сообщение May 10 2008, 20:28
Сообщение #2

Administrator  ******


Повешу на сайте.

Внимание конкурс: кто скажет какой это эпизод и даст ссылку на скачать фильм?

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сообщение May 10 2008, 22:17
Сообщение #3

Модератор  ******

Baywatch: Point Doom (Season 3 Episode 7)
51 "Point Doom" October 26, 1992 307

This is a hilarious episode following two plot lines distinct and separate from each other. First, Mitch is training to outdue his female co-guard in a beach run, swim, and paddle race. To do this, Mitch undertakes a radical training regimen consisting of running, chugging raw eggs, push ups, sit ups, and swimming all while wearing a black speedo. All throughout Mitch's workout montage (yes, i said montage) Gardner the quad cop is eating donuts and other unhealthy snacks while to the tune of Right Said Fred's 'I'm too sexy'. During the actual contest between Mitch and Stephanie later in the episode, there is again a montage of Mitch running, swimming, and paddling his way through the competition. When he finally crosses the line and drops to the ground exhausted, the guard in charge of timing the contest reads out his scores for each of the three events. The times read are all slower than those of his female competitor. After hearing this news, Mitch remains laying on the sand with a look of sheer disbelief in his eyes. Shortly afterwards it is revealed that the times read by the timer were actually inaccurate and this was done only to play a joke on Mitch while the crowd was in on the joke. The episode ends with a freeze frame close up of Mitch's face immediately after he learns this fact.

While all of this is happening, the second plot is going on involving Matt and his hottie road racing blonde bombshell whose name remains unknown throughout the beginning of the episode and is only mentioned once when Matt sees it on a medical chart when visiting her in the hospital, where she ends up after attempting to challenge Hudson to a motorcycle race. During the race she gets run off the road and falls down a cliff with her bike tumbling into the ocean. Mitch and Gardner come to her rescue and are unaware that Matt knows her. When he rushes to her injured body and starts reassuring her that things will be fine and stoking her head he initially gets some strange looks from Mitch and Gardner. After she is taken to the hospital Matt becomes overridden with guilt surrounding the incident and begins to suspect foul play. He believes if he had been there the tragedy could have been averted. Based on his feelings of guilt he trades in his Harley for a street bike and goes to challenge Hudson to a race for pinks. While the challenge is happening, Mitch and Garner pull her crashed bike out of the ocean and notice a chain intertwined through the back tire which clearly indicates foul play. While they question whether the chain was from Hudson or from her bike it is obvious to the viewer that it can not have come from her bike due to the fact that it was not a bike chain, but rather a chain you might see used to tie up a vicious dog. Upon learning this fact, Mitch and Garner speed to the road the race is taking place on. Upon their arrival the crowd disperses believing it was a set up. Matt and Hudson take off and pull multiple wheelies and zigzag maneuvers down the course. After this has gone on for some time, and with Mitch and Garner chasing them down in the baywatch pick up, Hudson careens off the cliff. His bike tumbles and he comes to rest precariously positioned and begins losing his grip. Matt quickly turns around and returns to the scene while Mitch pulls up in the pick up. Matt is reluctant to help save Hudson, but Mitch quickly reminds him he is a lifeguard and that changes his mind. They repel down the cliff using the repelling gear on hand (how convenient) and rescue Hudson. He is then arrested for the foul play causing the other girls accident.
After this situation is resolved, you see Matt with the hottie on the beach. After her hospitalization she is only wearing an ankle cast. When she asks about going somewhere fancy for the date, Matt responds 'Name a place with a better view' and then continues on to beg her not to leave after she makes the announcement that she will be returning home. He had known her for two days.

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сообщение May 12 2008, 15:13
Сообщение #4

Administrator  ******

Готовлю смонтированную версию. Вычищенная "история" длится 13 минут.

Сейчас решаю проблему со звуком. VirtualDub не хочет его корректно резать.

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сообщение May 12 2008, 15:38
Сообщение #5

Модератор  ******

smile.gif быстро ты smile.gif
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сообщение May 21 2008, 08:07
Сообщение #6

Administrator  ******

Ура!!! Сделал. Победил проблему со звуком!

смотреть: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4rbr6AwOqA

Для ЮТуба пришлось порезать финальный монтаж с 12 до 10 минут.

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сообщение May 21 2008, 09:24
Сообщение #7

Модератор  ******

БЛ!!! У меня на работе труб не пашет..
Теперь до вечера ждать.

А что вырезал ?
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сообщение May 21 2008, 09:31
Сообщение #8

Administrator  ******

Могу залить более полную версию, но не знаю куда. У Трубы ограничение в 10 минут.

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сообщение May 22 2008, 00:29
Сообщение #9

Модератор  ******

После 6мин звук поплыл sad.gif
Эт только у меня ?
А так - Куль!
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сообщение May 22 2008, 08:19
Сообщение #10

Administrator  ******

В оригинале у меня со звуком все нармально, но тыТруба что то накосячила при перекодировке.

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сообщение May 22 2008, 22:50
Сообщение #11

Бразер  *****

мчу к тебе с флешкой)))))


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